viernes, 27 de junio de 2014



Madrid, 2 nd  -   5 th  December 2014

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 

Conference Co-Chairs:
José Luis Carles. Departamento Interfacultativo de Música. UAM
Adolfo Núñez. LIEM (INAEM). Departamento Interfacultativo de Música. UAM

Organizing Committee Secretary:
María Luisa Luceño. UAM

Scientific Committee:

                          Antonio Alcázar. UCLM. Cuenca, Spain
                        Ricardo Atienza. CRESSON. CNRS. Grenoble, France
                        Marina Barba. UAM, Madrid, Spain
                         Francesc Daumal. UPC, Barcelona, Spain
                         Joaquina Labajo. UAM, Madrid, Spain
                        Leigh Landy. MTI, De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom
                         Maria Luisa Luceño. UAM, Madrid, Spain
                        Miguel Molina. UPV, Valencia, Spain
                        Rosemary Mountain. Universidad Concordia. Montreal, Canada                       
                        Cristina Palmese. Paisaje Sensorial, Est de Arquitectura. Madrid, Spain
                        Spiros Papadopoulos. Universidad de Tessaly, Greece
                        Miguel Salmerón. UAM, Madrid, Spain
                        Adam Stansbie. Sheffield University, Sheffield, United Kingdom
                        Ana Vega Toscano. Radio Nacional de España, Madrid, Spain
                        Edson Zampronha, VIU, Valencia, Spain


Spatial dimension provides with a relevant field of development for electronic music and concrete music and the technologies that enable their making. They are some fields previously explored, in part, by the XXth avant-gardes, (Varèse, Cage, Berio, Nono, Xenakis, Stokhausen…) whose interest in the exploration of new musical dimensions is fully developed in contemporary times, in search of unexplored scopes of artistic expressivity.  Hearing is the sense that comprehends better the temporary experience on space. And the implication of the listener in listening facts is an outstanding variable, as in this issue there is the attempt to focuse attention on the study about how the audience or the listeners experiment stimuli, or take part in an active way in the music or the sounds that appear at any space.  

Space works as a soundbox for the daily situations that lead to that space. Sound and space have developed a fertile but incomplete dialogue that embraces a multiplicity of "spaces of knowledge". Traditionally, space in music is located in the abstract side of the score (pitch, melody, movement) or in the merely evocative one (evocation of landscapes, nature, cities). This conference seeks to offer a forum of wide and deep debate around the concept of sound space sharing knowledge between temporary arts and spatial arts. The objective deals with comprehending areas of knowledge in a new scope, so much scientific as artistic around this field. We start with a basic concept, that one of sound space to outline a complete musicological analysis of sound as a phenomenon, in an approach to stablish a meeting point among disciplines with a shared objective: dealing with the complexity of sound by integrating the aesthetic conceptions connected with contemporary music with the scientific-technical contributions developed by a variety of disciplines implied in the interaction space-sound, from Physics to Architecture, along with Electroacustics, or Audiovisual Media. Music as a fact, from this perspective, links and integrates artistic creation with scientific and social phenomena. The conference includes scientific sessions (lectures, communications and round- table sessions) to be developed in the campus of UAM, and two concerts in Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS). This Conference takes part of the results of the Research Project entitled Implicaciones espacio-temporales de la creación musical (Spatial and temporary implications of musical creation), funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. (Ref. HAR2011-23318. Plan Nacional de I+D+I).  Main researcher: Jose Luis Carles Arribas. Lasting: 3 years.

Main topics

1. Relationships space-time in music and architecture

• A taxonomy or a compared and pluridisciplinar glossary of terms related with sound space
• Analysis and representation of space in music and architecture
• Silence and vacuum in music and architecture
• Relationships among the perception of structures along musical time and throughout visual arts space.
• Perception of patterns in music and in architecture

2. Sound Space

• Analysis of space: sound art, audiovisual installations, sound landscape, cultural landscape.
• Space as a concept in the Internet era. Presential and non-presential experiences
• Space in the teaching of music

3. Body and movement

  • Urban walks
  • Dance
  • Interactive shows

4. Electroacustic music

•  The relationship between acoustic and electroacustic space in mixed electroacoustic music.
• The space-temporal concept of the "live" in the Internet era.
• Space processing in fixed and live electroacoustic music.
• Music and sound diffusion in multichannel systems.
• The influence of visual aspect on the sound and music perception in the mixed electroacoustic music.

5. Other topics

Research centres and research projects presentations  


Deadlines:  15th  October  2014
Date of confirmation acceptance: 1st-November-2014


A document in .zip that contains the following documents in .pdf:

- A summary in a maximum of 1200 words, along with the author's name, institution (if applicable), address, telephone, electronic mail address
- Curriculum vitae (1 page)
- A lists of publications (1 page)
- A short biography (300 words)

Requirements for communications:

- Lasting: 20 minutes, plus 5 minutes of questions
- Language: Spanish or English
- The room includes videoprojector, DVD / CD player and a stereo sound set.


It is possible to submit musical works. For more information see the enclosed document "The Laboratory of Space 2014".

Chronogram and schedules: 

Tuesday 2nd December

           Morning and afternoon: conference sessions, invited lecturers and round tables,
            from 10 AM to 6 PM. Salón de Actos, Facultad de Filosofía

Wednesday 3rd December

        Morning and afternoon: conference sessions, invited lecturers and round tables,
            from 10 AM to 6 PM. Salón de Actos, Facultad de Filosofía

Thursday 4th December

Morning and afternoon: conference sessions, invited lecturers and round tables,         
from 10 AM to 6 PM. Salón de Actos, Facultad de Filosofía

Concert: Electroacustics and audiovisual works: additional information will be
    provided about data such as works and composers.
Place:  Auditorio 400-MNCARS – Time: 7:30 PM

Friday 5th December

           Morning and afternoon: conference sessions, invited lecturers and round tables,
           from 10 AM to 6 PM. Salón de Actos, Facultad de Filosofía

Concert: selected works from the call "The Laboratory of Space 2014"
Place:   Auditorio 400-MNCARS – Time: 7:30 PM

Tuesday 2nd to  Friday  5th December
Mornings and afternoons from10 AM to 18 PM: Sound and Audiovisual Installations
Place: waiting for confirmation.

Languages of the Conference:

            Spanish, English

Registration fees:
* Contributors: 60 € 
* External Attendants: 40 €
* Attendants from UAM: 20 €    

Registration and payment:        

Registration will be made by means of Fundación de la Universidad Autónoma  (FUAM) webpage, that offers also the possibility of an on-line payment. 


II Congreso Internacional Espacios Sonoros y Audiovisuales: Experimentación sensorial y escucha activa y JIEM 2014. COMUNICANTES

II Congreso Internacional Espacios Sonoros y Audiovisuales: Experimentación sensorial y escucha activa y JIEM 2014. ASISTENTES EXTERNOS UAM

II Congreso Internacional Espacios Sonoros y Audiovisuales: Experimentación sensorial y escucha activa y JIEM 2014. ESTUDIANTES UAM

Registration dates:

From   12th June 2014 up to 15th November 2014.

POST Address of the Conference:

Facultad de Formación del Profesorado
Modulo IV Departamento de Música, despacho 210
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Crta. Colmenar Viejo, Km. 15,5
MADRID 28049, Spain.
E-mail address:

In this and the following newsletters, with information concerning organizational matters, accomodation and other pieces of information for contributors and attendants at the conference will be available at the blog devoted to the Conference: 


Either THREE credits (Libre Configuración) or TWO credits ECTS will be given to students enrolled in Licenciaturas o Grados, respectively, from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. So as to obtain this/those credits the students will have to be recognized their attendance to the sessions of the Conference, and write a paper (the guidelines for making this paper will be given at the Conference.

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